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( and her cat. )


... an artist with a 2D Animation B.F.A. from Savannah College of Art and Design. Today, she is pursuing an M.F.A. in Illustration at SCAD. She is in love with all forms of storytelling, including animation and creative writing, and has a special passion for concept art and character design. Currently, Natalie is working on a personal artistic project titled The Sword & The Seer, as well as pre-vis work for an undisclosed short film. She is located in Savannah, GA, and is working on honing her skills as an artist and writer. She loves books, video-games, TTRPGs, astronomy, Norse mythology, the color green, her friends, and her cat, Thea.


... A cat. She lives with Natalie and annoys her daily, at times waking her up at 5AM via purring or biting her leg. She does not pay rent. Bringing this up to her is met with indifference or outright violence. She loves napping, meowing, climbing the shower curtains, disobeying physics, and eating anything that will fit inside her mouth. She is one year old and without a moral compass, but Natalie loves her very, very much. 

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